Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Now sitting for hour and half in Chicago before next flight. Also managed to find the most expensive bag of Reese's pieces at $5 and had to fill out a lovely form when I informed the lady I would not also pay $5 for a bag of M&Ms. So I went ahead and filled it out but pretty much the only accurate information was my name and reason. Why they need my address and number for a void is beyond me. Also just realized I packed my camera in carry on so I could take pictures along way but not the USB cord to upload them......


  1. oh ya, and lady that sat next to me requested to change seats and hostess ignored her. Guess I already smell.

  2. It's movie marathon time! Parlez-vous francais?!

  3. Made it to Paris ok, then Zurich, then to Istanbul with the only complaint being screaming kids on the plane. At Istanbul Nicolas ran into problems with a visa. While getting that corrected he missed his plane and is now waiting for another. He is in contact with the schol and they are assisting him.

    More updates as we get them.

  4. Supposed to leave Istanbul around midnight to arrive in Ercan tomorrow morning (CST time).
